A True Tale of Hollywood

She’s not in Kansas Anymore. Hollywood has a wonderful Americana history of real life rags-to-riches fame and fortune. Hollywood movies too are mostly fantasies of the triumphant underdog. But there’s another story about Hollywood, with a different ending, no one makes movies or write books about.  Fish is viagra sildenafil canada very rich in omega …

Trump & Hitler. I think not.

I had an interesting conversation with someone who said their father was Waffen SS, German soldiers who were actually Nazis, in the Second World War. And it led me to some thoughts about the comparisons being alleged between Hitler and Trump. Kamagra is the cialis for sale canada http://amerikabulteni.com/2012/01/17/burger-king-has-quietly-begun-testing-home-delivery/ sole treatment drug for ED. Therefore, …

The Simple Solution to Mankind’s Problems

Most problems are simple to see. Humankind have a number of serious, easily identifiable problems. Here’s two:  About 2.2 billion people do not have safe potable drinking water’…. About 2.5 billion Earthlings subsist on a calorie-deficient (starvation) diet. Those who suffer the most of course are children. Growing bodies and minds without sufficient nourishment or …


FLASH NEWS!! We know almost nothing about the Corona virus….. We know of no effective treatment……We know of no prevention/vaccine….We know it ain’t over yet. We know its a killer. And we know little else worth knowing.What we are seeing is a social media epidemic of people who “know” ; conspiracy theories, idiots, conservative politicians, …

Muhammad Ali Invented Rap

As an old-school musician I’ve had a hard time accepting Rap as music genre. So with apologies to Run-DMC, I pay tribute, and poke fun at, my hero Muhammad Ali who invented Rap before they were even born. robertrobb.com purchase cheap viagra Earlier the only cure for such things was to get operated. All Tongkat …